Deep Evolutionary Learning (DEL)
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Need for better learning algorithm for Deep Learning:
Limitations of Backpropagation:
It is slow, all previous layers are locked until gradients for the current layer is calculated (with Stocastic Steapest Descent)
It suffers from vanishing or exploding gradients problem,
It considers predicted value & actual value only to calculate error and to calculate gradients, related to objective function, partially related to the Backpropagation algorithm,
It doesn’t consider the spatial, associative and dis-associative relationship between classes while calculating errors, related to objective function, partially related to the Backpropagation algorithm,
The performance is effected with increasing noise and low contrast between objects (due to gradient calculations).
Advantages of Proposed Deep Evolutionary Learning (DEL):
DEL uses Evolutionary Strategies for adaptive step lenght control in objective function optimization during training
Avolutionary Strategies is used for training with adaptive decision criteria temperature (T)
Due to these reasons there is no gradient calculations for layers
Unsupervised learning is used with feedforwared calculations
There is not much reduction in Learning time consuption
Performance is better
There is no noise effect to the training performance
Realisation even to complex topologies is easy.
Recognition of Low Contrast Objects with Histogram Oriented Activation Fuction and DEL for Deep CNN:
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